Quran and Science Reveal Earth's Original Shape, Round or Flat?
Daftar Isi
The Koran and science explain the original shape of the earth (photo: shutterstock) |
Al-Qur'an Surah Az-Zumar Verse 5 states, "He created the heavens and the Earth with a right (purpose); He closed the night over the day and closed the day over the night and subdued and the moon, each one goes according to its appointed time. Remember He is the Mighty more Forgiving." (Surah Az-Zumar: 5)
Based on the explanation of Ibn Taimiyah's ijma, there has been an agreement from the scholars regarding the verse that the Earth is round.
"There is none among the scholars that the sky is like a ball. Likewise, they have agreed that the Earth and all its movements, both land and sea, are like a ball," according to the consensus of the scholars of Ibn Taymiyyah.
Ijma is a method used by scholars to reach agreement based on the holy Qur'an and hadith in determining a law or case that occurs.
Muslim scientist, Al Biruni, confirmed that the Earth is round. Mentioned that he had written a treatise on the planisphere and armillary sphere (globe).
It is also reported that at the age of 17, Al Biruni calculated the latitude and longitude position of Kath, Khwarizm, by the method of elevation of the sun. He solved complex geodetic equations to calculate the radius of the Earth.
This Muslim scientist also got a figure of approximately 6339.9 kilometers, only 16.8 km different from the modern value of 6356.7 km. While at the age of 22, Al Biruni has written a number of scientific papers, including on maps, the use of the 3D coordinate system, and its transformation to a polar coordinate system.
After reading a lot of his observational data, Al Biruni believed that the Earth is round, rotates on its axis once a day, and revolves around the sun for one year. This was contrary to popular opinion at the time, but it was believed that Al Biruni was closest to empirical data.
Wallahu a'lam bishawab.
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