5 Tools to Better Understand Visitor Behavior on Your Website

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Here are methods and tools to help you better understand the behavior of your website visitors.
Heatmaps and web analytics tools are real assets for analyzing the behavior of your visitors. © apinan - stock.adobe.com

1. Analyze your webpage heatmap

Do you want to know how users navigate and click on your website? It would be interesting to switch to a heatmap solution capable of creating a heatmap for each of your web pages, depending on the navigation and clicks of your visitors.

You will then be able to determine which elements catch the attention of your visitors. But also, conversely, which elements are not performing well and which are facing friction points.

If you have an ecommerce site, this heatmap can be very useful for analyzing the behavior of your visitors on your product pages and in your purchase funnel.
Best heatmap tool to analyze clicks on your website

2. Use the right tools to analyze your audience

If you want to analyze the behavior of your audience to draw meaningful conclusions, it is important to rely on a tool that specializes in web analytics.

For example, in Google Analytics, you can:
  • Analyze your visitor navigation: in the Behavior Flow > Behavior section, you can analyze the path followed by users arriving on your website through certain channels, and thereby identify the web pages that leave the most (where people leave your website). location).
  • Monitor real-time traffic on your pages: in the Real-time > Overview section, you can see live the most visited web pages, which interest your audience the most at any given time.
  • Identify the most visited pages: in the Behavior > Site Content section. You have access to a lot of data: number of visits per web page, average time spent by Internet users on one page, bounce rate, etc.
  • Analyze clicks on your CTA (or any other link): apart from the web pages visited, you can find out the number of clicks on your CTA through the following sections: Behavior > Events (with required configuration upstream).
  • Analyze your conversions: under Conversions > Goals. You need to set upstream goals such as: purchases made on your website or contact forms submitted. Once a goal is defined, it will be calculated by Google Analytics and you will find it in a special section.
  • Good to know: Google Analytics is the most popular tool for analyzing your website, but now there are many interesting alternatives including Matomo, Piwik Pro, or the AT Internet Analytics Suite.

3. Perform user test

It might be wise to do some user tests with predefined scenarios. It's best to do this test with people who don't know your site to avoid biased results.

The goal: identify optimizations to implement on your website, and reduce friction to improve user experience.

For example, you can ask a tester to follow a scenario where he or she has to make a product purchase on your website. He will then navigate through your buying funnel, and possibly find a specific point of friction. It's interesting to record sessions in order to better analyze them after testing, and for this, there is a screen recorder tool.

4. Run the A/B test

With A/B testing tools, you can run tests to determine what best suits your audience. More concretely, it is possible to test two different versions of a web page: some of your visitors will see version A, and some of them will see version B.

After a few days of testing, you will definitely be able to determine which version is the most efficient. For example, you have the possibility to test on your homepage, a version in which a newsletter subscription will be offered at the top of the page, and another version in which subscriptions will be suggested via an insert that remains visible as the visitor scrolls. Which of the two versions is the most effective? The results of the A/B test can tell you.

5. Ask for immediate feedback from your visitors

What if you offered visitors to give their opinion about your website? There are several ways to do this. You can use a feedback tool that allows you to easily collect visitor comments and gives you access to detailed reports.

It's also interesting to create a web page dedicated to feedback on your site with a form to fill out. This way, you can especially get quick feedback on what isn't working on the site and implement the necessary corrective actions with reactivity.

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